
Welcome to the class blog

As I said in class, I plan on utilizing the blog now and then to post relevant articles to the topics we'll discuss. What I'm looking for from you all are your thoughts and ideas in response to other posts, or for you all to come in and post links to articles or stories yourselves. In addition, in hopes of cutting down maybe just a little on the crush of email we all get, I'll use the blog to post periodic announcements, reminders, etc. Make sure you bookmark it, or write the URL down somewhere you'll be able to find it, and check back with some regularity. (You'll notice I modified the URL from the address atop the syllabus I handed out in class.) If this works as planned, and everyone contributes, there should be a fairly regular flow of stories, posts and information to follow.

On the left side of the page, you'll notice a news feed, pulling in links to articles covering the topics of online journalism, online news, Internet news and new media. These update constantly, and you can click on each search term to find different articles based on the four different searches. I've noticed some really interesting stories just in the past two days already.

Also in the left column you'll find a list of common, major media news sites as well as industry sites for easy reference. And the course syllabi for both the undergrads and grad students will always be linked at the top.

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